About Us

Entrepreneurial Profile

In pursuit of her aspirations along with more than seven years of experience gained during her previous initiatives, she moved ahead to go SOLO and mothered GMANDS, a sobriquet for Glopal Management and Services. She has been successful in sustaining a favourable work-life balance.

The grandeur of GMANDS is the entrepreneurial journey and experience of our women entrepreneur, SM Gomes.

Any business is a part of a social sub-system.

Our entrepreneurial effort in the form of Glopal Management and Services has received enlightenment from an able “Business Vijna” – Business Advisor.

Ms. A Mitra has been the Friend-Philosopher-Guide (FPG) to the organization – a Business Vijna in its true sense.

The website domain implies our name to be “GMANDS” – as named by our entrepreneur. It is the acronym for GLOPAL MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES – “G” for Glopal, “M” for Management and “S” for Services gels together to form G-M-AND-S.

GLOPAL MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES is the Trade Name. It includes “GLOPAL” which stands for “GLO” to mean Global and “PAL” to mean a friend. The organization assures to be “Your Global friend”.

In our Registered Trade Mark, “Your Global friend” appears along with the symbiosis of two letters, viz. “G” which represents Global and “P” which stands for Pal, your friend.

Glopal Management and Services possesses a Certificate of Enlistment (Permanent) No.: 007686120373.

Glopal Management and Services is classified as a Micro Enterprise under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006. It is a MSME Udyam Registered Unit and allotted MSME Udyam Registration No. UDYAM-WB-10-0132449. It has 100% Women participation.

The vision of the organization is to be a PAL (friend) in need and a global player in the field of consulting and services.

The Core Values of the organization have been identified with the letter ‘C’ – and 2 sets each of 6 Cs represented in a Circle within which 2 triangles have been placed to form a star. The first set of Cs are placed on the outer core and are primary which is very evident and visible upon starting a relationship with us. As we develop our relationship and it matures, the second set of Cs become visible, which are placed in the inner core. The triangles resemble – one is us and the other is obviously you.

The Corporate Strategy of the organization is ‘Business through Networking and Sharing Collaborative Gains’.